Want to know what’s in store for the Pig in 2021?
Favorable Energies
This year is good for movement and expansion. Opportunities flourish for you this
year, especially internationally. This may mean you need to spruce up your website, your
offerings and your value so you don’t miss any potential prospects.
Expect to get back to traveling this year! This could also mean you move to a different
location or even find yourself living abroad. This is a great year to think about massively
expanding your market internationally.
Unfavorable Energies
This energy brings about minor injuries that can results in scars and imperfection. It’s
advised not to do elective surgery this year, as you will not be happy with the results. It also
attracts trivial problems from petty people. This is more of an annoyance than anything else.
If you want to know what else is in store for the Pig…
Watch my latest video in the series to learn more about this animal.
Find out if you have an Pig in your chart by downloading your free astrology chart at:
For the rest of what will come in 2021, join me at my 2-day virtual Annual Event! Get your tickets now at:
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