Do you have a DRAGON in your natal chart?
These are the energies you need to be aware of this year.
Favorable Energies
Moon. The Sun is yang; the Moon is Yin. This is a powerhouse energy if properly activated. Yin energy is not weak and should not only seen as the opposite of Yang’s strength.
In business we can see this as research, going deep with your business ideas and bringing on innovation. This is great for entrepreneurship and discovering your unique selling position (often referenced in marketing jargon as USP). Have the patience to reveal your trade secrets at an opportune time.
This energy is good for all types of study, whether you are on the learning side or delivery.
It’s the mastermind of money behind the scenes, or passive income.
Unfavorable Energies
Envy. When you rise to the top, so do the jealous people trying to knock you back down. Rise above this negativity. Remain focused to achieve your goals.
If you want to hear the remaining energies and allies you need in your corner to succeed this year, then watch my newest Youtube video.
Find out if you have an Dragon in your chart by downloading your free astrology chart at:
To purchase the full replay of my 2021 Annual Event where I also talk about the Feng Shui, favorable timing with the TimeBlazr® and Universal Gateway.
Click through to watch the other videos: