The Monkey – 2021 Animal Sign Forecast

This one is for those who have a MONKEY in your natal chart. Here is a preview of what energies to expect for this year. Favorable Energies… You will have influence over many and will attract the right teams, advisors and resources. You gain this power and authority by going after it, and your supporters […]

The Dragon – Full 2021 Animal Sign Forecast

Do you have a DRAGON in your natal chart? These are the energies you need to be aware of this year. Favorable Energies Moon. The Sun is yang; the Moon is Yin. This is a powerhouse energy if properly activated. Yin energy is not weak and should not only seen as the opposite of Yang’s […]

The Rabbit – Full 2021 Animal Sign Forecast

If you have a RABBIT in your chart, there are a few unfavorable energies that are showing up this year that you should be aware of. Catastrophe. When this energy is activated, watch out for injuries, relationships, health issues and potential wrongful death. Your immune system may be weak, so you may be more apt […]

The Tiger – Full 2021 Animal Sign Forecast Do you have a TIGER in your natal chart? I created an in-depth training on the energies that will affect you this year, both favorable and unfavorable. Favorable EnergiesAdvocates. People you already know are willing to help you this year. They may not know you need help. Have the courage to ask and be […]

The Ox – Full 2021 Animal Astrology Forecast

Do you have an OX in your chart and want to know what energies are influencing your chart this year? I recorded an in-depth training on the different energies both favorable and unfavorable. Also how to use them to counteract negative energies. Here’s a preview: Favorable Energies Ingenuity – It’s an inspirational year full of […]

The Goat – 2021 Animal Sign Forecast Do you have a GOAT in your natal chart and want to know what to look out for this year? This year is going to be a big year breaker for you. Goat is the animal that is the polarity to the year. The Goat is opposite in the zodiac to the Ox. Depending […]

The Monkey – 2021 Animal Sign Forecast Want to know what is in store for you if there is a Monkey in your natal chart?  We’ve got the dragon virtue that will remove some blockages in your life. This energy can open up pathways for good fortune for you and bring career luck. Also expect helpful people to come along the […]

The Goat – 2021 Animal Sign Forecast Want to know what is in store for the Goat in the year 2021?  A lot of people experienced loss this year. But it was also a year to capitalize on other people’s losses. There might be a piece of property that you could pick up or an asset that you might be able […]

The Snake – 2021 Animal Sign Forecast Curious to know what is in store for the snake?  This year was all about solving problems. Now, this could be something that has been burdening you for years on end. But if you have a health problem or a relationship problem, it can disempower you. So this is the year to find solutions […]

The Dragon – 2021 Animal Sign Forecast Want to know what is in store for you if there is a dragon in your natal chart?  There’s been many people all over the world that have gone through this very tumultuous time. Yet there’s been a lot of opportunity in this disruption. So this is where potentially a dragon had some good […]

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